Easily build a
that attracts clients,
is professional, and
you're proud of,
NO CODING required.
Work with me, side-by-side through my proven program to finally get the site you've been dreaming about.

I get it…once upon a time I had no clue how to do anything involving a website. I had to rely on developers who would ghost me, didn’t understand my vision and tried to talk over my head to justify their inflated prices. So I decided to figure it out on my own.
Erin, The Rebel
What if...

You could use your site to attract, nurture, and re-engage clients with your website?

You could have a beautiful, systematic website, able to handle some heavy lifting in your business

You could confidently make decisions about your website?
And the best part is...
you'll be able to do it yourself
save thousands of dollars
A professional site you're proud of.
NO CODING required.
This 8-Week group coaching program will take you through my step-by-step strategy in creating your beautiful, systematic, client-attracting website (in Wordpress) that you can be proud of, and will never leave you helpless.
After helping small brands build their web spaces for 10+ years, I know I can help you build yours!
A Bomb-Ass Success Story
Here's what you get in
Bomb Ass Website
This 8-Week group coaching program will take you through my step-by-step strategy in creating your beautiful, systematic, client-attracting website (in Wordpress) that you can be proud of, and will never leave you helpless.
Week 1 | The Setup & Collect
You're going to hit the ground running. No more putting off today what you won't do tomorrow. As soon as you say "Yes," we're going to start the set up. People want a Bomb Ass Website but a lot of times they're not set up to have one. That's not going to be you after we cover the very basics (and the not-so-basic stuff) that will set you up for success.
Once we have finished setting you up, we'll begin the collection process. I'll walk you through exactly what you need to make it all happen. Hint: Your favorite websites are likely your favorites because of how they said something, or how they showed you something. We get into all of that so you can say it like it needs to be said, and show off what needs to be seen.
Week 2-4 | The Design
This is where the magic starts to unfold. And if you're worried that you're not a designer, don't! I've got you covered with templates and shortcuts for everything! So you won't be starting from scratch, but you will be able to design in a way that looks like you did! A well-established design will make executing your Bomb Ass Website so much easier! We'll be working on the design for 3 weeks and you'll have access to me the entire time, with feedback and full support.
Week 5-6 | The Execution
This is the week where we'll take those designs and start implementing them on the Wordpress platform. It's time to learn your way around so you can stop being helpless in your site and begin to help yourself! Once you know your way around, you'll begin executing your look and feel. It's drag and drop so no need to worry! You'll be amazed at what you can do!
Week 7 | The System
Turning your website into a system within your business is one of your biggest marketing assets. This week we're going to put it all together. Now that we've built your site, it's time to get it to do it's job.
Week 8 | The Test
Now it's time to test out your new website system. No 404 errors, no broken links, no broken shopping carts, no problems with the memberships...just ready to launch!
Also includes:
When Bomb Ass Website is NOT a good fit for you if...
You'd rather pay someone else to handle it and not be bothered. If you're the type of person that doesn't want to know the details and just wants it done, this isn't going to be your jam. Knowledge is power over here! And while you may not always be steering your website ship, knowing enough to be dangerous can help you better manage the one who is.
You aren't interested in saving thousands of dollars in the long run. Websites aren't cheap. Building them and running them can be costly when you don't have the skills it takes to do it yourself. If you don't have the time or foresight to see the value here, I would move along.
You're not open to learning something new . As business owners, we should always be learning and open to sucking up everything we can like a sponge. In Bomb Ass Website you will be learning a new skill. You have to be open to the process, and willing to commit your time. If not, I'd say "pass."
You have a bad attitude about tech or see this as a chore. I know you're capable. And I know you don't know what I know when it comes to building a site. But if you come with bad energy and a can't-do attitude, I'm not your coach and you should find another way to get yourself a Bomb Ass Website.

Why Erin, The Rebel?
First, I am so hype that you made it this far! And will even be more hype if you join me in Bomb Ass Website! My goal with this program is to help you build a beautiful, professional site without having to worry about getting played. But mainly, I want to teach you how to take care of yourself in this area because you absolutely can! In the pastI've been played, ghosted, robbed, clueless and confused. But I learned from it, got myself out of it, and now I am here to help you do the same.
I have been building Wordpress websites for over 10 years for small brands, coaches and consultants. I've developed a step-by-step strategy to making this approachable to anyone. Building a website isn't hard! Yes, there will be a learning curve as there is when you learn any new skill. But with the tools you'll use coupled with my method, you'll be able to this easier than ever. NO CODING REQUIRED. You will build your site yourself, understand what's going on and walk away with the tools to take care of your site.
I choose Wordpress because it is not a sub-par platform. Around 40% of the internet uses Wordpress. Not only can you grow with it when you're ready, without limitation, you can build courses, sell products, create memberships, blogs...you name it!
But the best part is you will no longer feel helpless when it comes to your site. You'll have the power to implement turnkey edits and revisions to your site without relying or waiting on someone else to do it.
WordPress is AMAZING. Not only is it versatile, but it happens to be used by 40% of the internet (there are some reports that site the usage as high as 64%). It is an open-source CMS (content management system) platform that has been around since 2003. That means that anyone is able to build and expand on its out-of-the-box capabilities. WordPress was once known and used mainly for blogging. However, WordPress is now WordPress is used to build eCommerce sites, membership sites, and learning management sites (eCourses). Whether you're big or small, WordPress is a great tool. It's easy to use drag-and-drop building tools to create your site, so no coding is required for most people.
Well-known sites that use WordPress include
- Time Magazine
- CNN Press Room
- The Washington Post
- The New York Times
- The Herald Sun
- Vogue
- Tonal
- Walt Disney
In this course we're going to cover setting up the basics, but we will also cover adding memberships, courses and eCommerce to your site.
This is definitely an option. The difference is, with Bomb Ass Website you are learning a skill that will save you money in the long run. This course aims to teach you how to rely on yourself/team when it comes to building and managing your website. That way, you're not dependent on contractors who can often cost more than smaller brands can afford.
I think WordPress is no more difficult to learn than other platforms because building a WordPress site in 2023 is drag-and-drop. There is no coding required. There are customizations that can require coding, but that is true on any platform. And often they are not necessary for what you want and need to do.
I like Squarespace as a platform. They have beautiful templates and it's not hard to use. However, at this time it isn't as flexible and scalable as WordPress. While they offer membership sites, you have to pay them a percentage of every member you have, plus your payment processor fee. They have no learning management system so you can't easily create a true course. Also, their fees can get a bit pricey.
Shopify is a great platform when you're selling tangible products. It's not the best for coaches, consultants, and small brands who are selling their services or digital products. Mainly because their membership and eCourse capabilities are not strong enough at this time.
Each Zoom session will be recorded and available to you in your dashboard area. You can catch up anytime and post any questions you may have to the Facebook group if you're not able to ask them during a live session.
If you get behind, there is no need to worry. I am here to help you at the pace you're able to move forward. As long as you continue to work with the group you'll find motivation and encouragement as a team. It's nice to have others you are accountable to in addition to self. Still come to the live sessions with any questions at any time during the course. Use the private Facebook group to post questions where I am always available to answer. And remember, you will have access to the sessions for life. Following the course, I will be opening up a monthly membership that gives you access to a special Facebook group available to program alumni, where you can bring any questions any time you have them.
Questions? Email me at info@therebelgeek.com