I've ALWAYS had big dreams and projects I'm working on, as I'm sure you do. In my efforts to make those dreams come true, I've run at them in full force. Almost always, I declare my intentions to anyone who'll listen. In addition, I throw money at my current project just to prove my full commitment, which strangely, gets me even more excited and ramped up. But I do actually hunker down and work hard. Really hard. Sometimes too hard.
In the beginning, I'm on a dream work high. Exhilarated. Fueled by all of the possibilities and the probabilities that come with the accomplishment of making my dreams come true. Then, when things aren't going to plan...but wait, what plan?
I just ran into this thing, threw some money at it, without a game plan and without a real strategy. I haven't been in it long enough to see results or really figure out what I'm doing. Now I'm anxious because my mind has become consumed with WHAT IF I can't actually make my dreams come true.
I am the queen of getting excited about any and everything. In many past ventures, I could have/should have slowed my roll and put more time and effort into a real plan. A plan that I could realistically execute on. A plan that would have saved me thousands of dollars and shown me how to pivot to plans B, C, and D if necessary. Rather than call it a failure and kick it aside for my next bright idea.
So now... I take my time. Make a plan. It brings me calm because it's the gift that keeps on giving as I work toward my dreams.