Change is hard for us all. Especially if we've invested our time, money, and effort in the way things are now. And change is even harder for us if we've made our lives depend upon things not changing.
With the release of ChatGPT, I know I got a bit nervous for just a beat. On one hand, it's exciting to know that there is a technology available to write and explain anything we can imagine, making certain business tasks easier. But on the other hand, after watching a few AI theorists break down how they think this entire AI thing will play out, you may become nervous. Asking yourself, "Will the need for what I do become extinct?" or, "How will I carve out a living if AI is the future?" At first, I was jumping the gun, taking myself down a path of entrepreneurial doom. But soon I came to the rational realization that I needed to lean into what is happening and changing in the world vs pushing back against it.
Maybe it's not AI for you. Maybe it's some other change in your life or your business that is inevitable. Whatever it is, you can't fear it or deny the new normal it brings. That response just highlights your inability to be open-minded and forward-thinking. Instead, lean into the change and figure out a way to incorporate it into what you're doing now, and how you can do it differently. When you embrace change the outcome may turn out far better than you feared it to be.
written by
Erin Braxton | February 7, 2023