I used to try and explain this concept to a friend of mine and they couldn't grasp it. Many conclude that if they work for themselves they are entrepreneurs. They throw around the term entrepreneur because it sounds more impressive than saying you're a freelancer. Both work for themselves and both are impressive. But a freelancer does not an entrepreneur make.
Working for yourself ≠being an entrepreneur.
Being a freelancer ≠being an entrepreneur.
Freelancers and entrepreneurs do work for themselves.
An entrepreneur is not a freelancer.
Small business owner ≠an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs can be small business owners.
Both are in business. One is no better than the other. It took me a minute to realize this and that people in business have no desire to be entrepreneurs. The main difference.
A freelancer is you providing their skills as an individual. Limited by their capabilities as an individual.
An entrepreneur is building business systems that can scale beyond the capabilities of just one individual.
Both are working for themselves and doing their thing, they are just in two different lanes. Finding your is going to be the only way you can be successful. Period.
When I started my first business, I was much younger, and more impressionable. I would compare my little business to others. Self-conscious about my sales and my success. Trying to buy my way to success by throwing money at the problems coming my way. Instead of staying in my lane and growing into whatever I was meant to be.
Both making their money working for yourself, doing your thing and you're not on the big entrepreneurial journey...do that. Maybe you don't want the hassle of being an entrepreneur. It's a lot.
But if you have the drive in you to be that entrepreneur, definitely do that.