written by

Erin Braxton  |  August 30, 2022

This goes for pretty much anything and everything.  Many times, when you're looking around and everyone is selling their products or services, it appears as though everyone else is an authority. Everyone has the million-dollar solution.  The thing that is going to solve your current problem or give you whatever promise they're offering.  

For those who are out there looking for a solution, it's quite easy to get sucked into the idea that the solution you are looking for lives outside of you.  Many times... most of the time, people do have information that can help you solve your problem.  But don't doubt the solutions, ideas and epiphanies that God or the universe has put on your heart.  They're most likely there because its YOUR best solution.  Remember...

There is more than one way to build a business...

There is more than one way to build a website...

There is more than one way to market your products...

There is more than one way to do basically anything.

That's all.

About Erin Braxton

As a web and online marketing consultant, Erin has helped clients confidently build and grow their online presence.  Her love for entrepreneurs and all things small business has been a passion for over 14 years.  As an entrepreneur, herself, Erin knows how to coach and lead small businesses through their online journeys.  Read More

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