written by

Erin Braxton  |  August 8, 2023

I learned this a long time ago but never really put it into perspective until recently when my trainer said it.  Back in the day, I would work so hard, for hours into the night.  It would be 10 p.m. and I would just be getting started.  Thinking, "I got all night."  I didn't respect rest.  I didn't respect sleep.  I didn't respect my body or emotional well-being.  I just pushed and pushed.  Then one day I realized that when I was tired, my brain wasn't connecting with my fingers on the keyboard.  Knowing it would be pointless to continue, I stopped working.

I began realizing my limitations and breaking points.  After hours of working, no matter how hard I tried, I only came up with blanks.  So I'd stop, walk away, go to sleep, and the next day the answer would be waiting for me.  Like magic.

While I've gotten older and wiser, it sometimes takes another to make it make sense.  My trainer reminded me to incorporate recovery into every aspect of my life.  I can train every day of the week and not allow my body to rest.  I can push myself to work until I'm delirious and unable to think.  Or I can recognize that the results are in the recovery, step back, and come back to it stronger and better tomorrow.

About Erin Braxton

As a web and online marketing consultant, Erin has helped clients confidently build and grow their online presence.  Her love for entrepreneurs and all things small business has been a passion for over 14 years.  As an entrepreneur, herself, Erin knows how to coach and lead small businesses through their online journeys.  Read More

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