You may think this one goes without saying, but sometimes it still needs to be said. I have to say it to myself and perhaps, if you're like me, the reminder of this for you is coming right on time!
I, like you, have things I'm working on. Things I'm trying to do. But there are all sorts of things that can come along and snatch away your time. Things that take the time from what you want to be doing, and give it to the things you either have to do, need to do, or feel obligated to do. How you handle these things will determine how off the track you get and how easily you can get back on it.
Things you have to do are just life. You've got family, house stuff and other personal things that MUST be tended to. So don't stress yourself out about them. Schedule them in and move on.
Things you need to do can be skipped, but you'll pay for it. You need to sleep. You need to walk away sometimes. You need to get into the sun. You need to socialize. Even when you don't think you need these things and you'd rather be working in order to get yourself back on track, you have to make the time. If not, the pace of that traction you think you're making is basically at a stand still. You will become unproductive.
And then there are the things you feel obligated to do. This is where you can really make up some time. Learning to put up boundaries when it comes to the needy people in your life who can suck your energy dry. Saying NO to keeping up on social media. Feeling no need to be up to date on that trending Netflix series. It's not easy. It's all so tempting. And sometimes easier than staying on the track. But way less rewarding.