Times have changed. So has where we look to get our information. And where we look to get validation. Things just aren't the way they used to be. We can complain about it and sound like our parents and grandparents, or we can get on board and get with the program. Either that or risk getting left behind.
Google has become our all-around go to. Google is how we search, validate, verify and really just entertain ourselves. If we want to know about something we just put it into the Googler and find out! Good sense tells us that not everything we Google is valid. But for many, Google may as well be the Bible.
If you have a business, people will Google you to see what comes up. They will be looking for legitimate information to verify you are who you say you are and decide if you are safe enough to do business with.
They may not find anything, so they move on.
They may find something, but the state of what they find on your site could send them running.
They may find something that can result in a lead dropped into your inbox.
Either way, you get to decide if you want to get with the program or get left behind.