I've never been a great self promoter. I had a boss once tell me that over 20 years ago. It's definitely an area of lack in my business. So I always admire those who are strong self promoters. But when the self promotion goes on too long and gets too strong, it can err on the side of uncomfortable. And this is probably the time you need to start paying attention to the non-verbal clues before making any final decisions about doing business with hard core self promoter.
Self Promotion Red Flag #1 - too much talking about their experience without letting you talk about your business needs.
The Real - Maybe they have more experience than anyone out there (or maybe they don't). But it's annoying AF. Plus, they're already demonstrating they don't listen. Bad sign.
Self Promotion Red Flag #2 - unsolicited input and/or advice on your business that isn't relevant to, or a part of the services you're seeking.
The Real - You're the one running your business and you're the one making the decisions. Without even realizing it people can cloud our thinking and get in our heads. Even when you don't want them to, or know better than to let them do it. You don't need this type of nag in your business, or they're nagging ideas in your head. It can get you off track. Move on.
Self Promotion Red Flag #3 - too much talking about how in demand they are.
The Real - If they were so in demand they wouldn't be talking to you about doing anything because they wouldn't have time. Facts and period. It's a control tactic to get you right where they want you, desperate to give them your money. If you fall for this play you may act too fast and find yourself in a bad spot.
I would tell you to watch out in these internet streets, but these flags can be seen in any and all areas of business and life. You can't say I didn't warn you. Take heed my friends!
Erin, The Rebel