As a huge proponent of doing things yourself in your business, I am also a realist. What I recognized in my first business was that there are certain things I just wasn't going to do. For me, it was accounting and bookkeeping. Not because I didn't think it needed to be done, but because the fear, dislike, and stress this brought me, kept me in avoidance. And it never got marked off of my to-do list. This aspect of my business became neglected and got way out of control, ultimately my business failed. One of the big reasons it did.
Full disclosure: It wasn't until three years after starting The Rebel Geek that I hired a bookkeeper and got my shit together. I actually paid my bookkeeper to go back and reconcile all three years and do things the right way!
Don't make the mistake I made. If you don't like something, and it brings you so much anxiety and stress that you avoid it, find help. It may cost you a little money, but the weight of that "chore" is lifted. Just make sure you have at least a small understanding of what you're paying someone to do. Whether it's creative, marketing, tech, or administrative. Don't run your business from inside a vacuum, hoping and assuming others are going to do right by you. As I will continue to say, learn something. Even if it's a small something, it can save you from getting yourself played in business.