written by

Erin Braxton  |  November 1, 2022

Series: Red Flags

With anything tech in your business, you need to be thinking longterm.  And with so many options out there, it's easy to get caught up in the wrong tech. 

You see someone doing something in their business, so obviously, you want to do it, too.  Or...everyone is on that bandwagon over there, so that means you need to jump on it with them.  But failing to focus on your needs and not the bright, shiny promises of what this and that tech will bring, can land you in one of two places;  

  1.  Caught up with a bunch of of nothing being accomplished, or 
  2. Paralyzed by the confusion you face when you're trying to entertain too many options.  

As a business owner you have to decide...

- What is best for YOU.  

- What YOU need for your business right now.  

- How YOU can get the most bang for your buck.

- How YOU can grow, scale and take the next steps toward your goals with the solution you are considering.

That last one is the biggest and most important.  Why?  Because with all the noise out there about what you should, could and need to be doing in your biz, you can find yourself thousands of dollars into a solution you later discover can't do what you want or need it to do for YOU and your business.  So you have to move on to something else.  Costing you not only more money, but more time.

So the next time you have to make a tech decision in your biz, ask yourself,

  1. Is this something I really need right now? And...
  2. Is this something that can grow with my business?

If the answer to either is no, don't go there and keep it moving.

About Erin Braxton

As a web and online marketing consultant, Erin has helped clients confidently build and grow their online presence.  Her love for entrepreneurs and all things small business has been a passion for over 14 years.  As an entrepreneur, herself, Erin knows how to coach and lead small businesses through their online journeys.  Read More

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