I’m an app junkie! I love apps. If I hear about an app that does anything remotely close to something I could use, I’ll get it. Admittedly, I have a problem.
Usually, months later I end up subscribed to all sorts of monthly plans and not even using them! $5 a month may sound like a bargain in the beginning, but after 5-10 of those things, it adds up!
There is an endless plethora of apps out there. And if you’re not careful, you can get caught up and got for a nice little chunk of money before you realize it. But if you’re trying to grow your business, or want to trim down your expenses, I have 7 essential apps that every small business needs.
Check out my video on what I use and why. Also…leave me a comment and share with me what you’re using. Like I said, I love to hear about apps!
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