June 18, 2024

We work until we drop, and we grind ourselves into the ground trying to chase the mighty dollar.  Much of the time we’re struggling to get somewhere only to see a tiny bit of progress.  We have so much to do, with so little time.  And when we actually start making progress and getting money

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June 4, 2024

Have you ever worked with a coward? Maybe you worked for one?  I’ve been in both situations, and am unsure which is worse.  We’ve all been around cowards, but in the workplace, they scream danger louder than anything ever could.  It’s probably the most unattractive personality trait I’ve ever witnessed.No matter your role in the

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May 21, 2024

I consider myself to be a bit of an anxious person.  Not the kind that can’t keep still, or bounces their knee all the time.  Not the kind that bites their fingernails or pulls out their eyebrows.  I’m an anxious thinker.   If I get worried about something, I can create an entire story, from

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May 14, 2024

Sometimes things happen to you that are just unbelievable.  You see the strangest things or people come up to you and speak words that are just baffling.  You walk out of the house and encounter the most ridiculous of the ridiculous.  Sometimes, these things are weird. Sometimes, they’re funny.  But we never see them coming.

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May 7, 2024

In our grand efforts to chase the mighty dollar, we often lose sight of how to actually catch it, and more importantly, what catching it looks like.  Take me, for example. You’ve not heard from me in a minute because I’ve been bank-ing.  Still it’s no excuse. banking /ˈbaNGkiNG/ (verb)Actions taken in a business, today, that may

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